Paints: paynes gray, burnt sienna, permanent violet dark, cadmium yellow medium hue, sap green, iridescent bronze, alizarin crimson!, ultramarine blue, hansa yellow medium, naphthol red light, quinacridone magenta, phthalo blue, phthalo green, yellow ochre, zinc white, titanium white 2oz tubes. 10 Sheets of 12"x12" acrylic paper, 2 Mary Engelbreit journals, 3 ME pens, Hardcover sketchbook, & Liquitex Basic Modeling paste, gloss gel medium, coarse texture gel, & iridescent medium. So excited! I got all of this for $143! It may not look like much but I know I would have spent WAY more than this if I hadn't used coupons & got stuff on sale! God is so good!