
These are the thoughts, illustrations, visions, pictures, and images that inspire me, inner dialogues, and conversations, or things that I've heard.



Here's the recent journal that I've been working in. This last weekend I doubled the amount of sketches that are in it. I found this journal in middle of my cluttered studio, and I do have to say that I have a thing for red leather journals. I love the way they look...and this one is absolutely great in your hands. It's soft and flexible. I believe that I probably got this one at Barnes & Noble's Bookstore. My goal is to complete this journal by the end of 2009.

Inspiration Blocks- Art

The other Inspiration Blocks are so much fun. I thought that I would share a little bit of my older art with you. I have a bunch of pictures of art that I did a few years back...but I don't want this blog to just be full of old art. I am hoping to constantly be filling it with current work that I have been working on, that is for sale, and is just getting released to the public for the first time. I hope you enjoy these little postcards that I put together. And I pray that it inspires you to do something with your own gifts.

Inspiration Blocks Brown

We have a lot more brown in the house than I thought. Much more than I think we do of Yellow...but I don't know how interesting it would be of an Inspiration Block all of Wood. I think tomorrow, I may do some more outdoor pictures...or complete the rainbow of colors. I have to give the camera back soon. So I want to use it as much as I possibly can while I have it...and then have enough to post until the battery comes in for my regular camera.


Inspiration Blocks

These were A LOT of Fun! I like going around taking the pictures a lot better than searching through pictures trying to find the color. This is a lot of fun! If you haven't tried it yet. You should! More to come!