So today, I decided that I was going to take full advantage of this lovely camera that I have on loan from my friend Leah. I may post a picture of her later, after she grants me permission of course. She's let me have this beautiful piece of equipment for a little over 2 weeks now. I have to say it is LOVE! I so miss the sound of the shutter clicking when I am taking digital pictures. So from my lips to God's ears....this is something I would love to have. Anyway, on with the challenge. I decided that it would be very cool to go around the house and capture bits of color from things that I already have. I visual scavenger hunt if you will. I had my two loyal companions....Cina and my husband Micah each pick a color...and I was off. I took pictures all over the house! It was so much fun! You should really try this. It's a great way to look at things that you see all the time in a different way.
I will post the picture collage of the images once I get the software to download them off of Leah's camera. But since I am in the mood to make some blog posts....I will probably do a color scavanger hunt through the pictures that I already have on my computer. It sounds like fun. So if you read this and decide to join me. Post your collage and send me a link to your blog! Let's have some fun!
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