
These are the thoughts, illustrations, visions, pictures, and images that inspire me, inner dialogues, and conversations, or things that I've heard.


Crocheted Ipod Nano Case #2 for Andi.

This is the ipod case that I made for my friend Andi. Her favorite color is purple. I have been trying to make her one for a while. The first one I made ended up being a map holder for Zay because it was way too big for an ipod case & Isaiah loves Dora the Explorer but they don't market anything for Dora for boys. I will have to add that picture later of Zay & his maps. In the next mobile post I will show you the other Nano ipod case I made. You may have known this already but I was unaware that the nano comes in two sizes. The smaller one will be available on my etsy shop here shortly.